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Thursday, March 24, 2011


I made a book mark for each of the members of my book club. On the back is a label with the name of our book club, date of inception and names of all the members. The tab at the bottom of this bookmark can be used to recreate a heaving bosom (and is a little risque if pushed too far up). One of the books we read turned out to be a bodice ripper and the inspiration for this bookmark. The book was terrible, but it did make for a lot of laughs.

I used the Cricut and the Forever Young cartridge to make the "fashion" bookmark.

I used the Cricut for these two bookmarks as well. The title of the book under the palm tree is "He's 1 in 20", a reference to a line in the bodice ripper book that made us all laugh. The bookmark with the push up monkey holding the banana is a subtle (and child-friendly) reference to a line from a movie we watched together. Truth be told we have as many movie nights as we "book" club meetings.

Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice, of course. We actually read the book!

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