For my daughter's 10th birthday celebration we decided on a spa-themed birthday party. She wanted something grown-up. We have a suite in the basement that was perfect for turning into a spa. White table clothes, faceclothes, fluffy robes, candles and a few touches of pink help set the mood. I found some great pink votives and pink with white polka dot pillar candles at Ikea.
I made cropped pajama bottoms for all the girls and was able to find inexpensive t-shirts at Michaels that matched the darker blue perfectly. It is hard to tell in the photo, but the flannel I used for the bottoms says "Glam-moo-rous" which I thought worked well with our theme.
A couple of local teenagers to come in to help out. They gave each of the girls manicures and pedicures with their choice of polish. I borrowed a foot bath from my mom and each girl had a warm, massaging bath before their pedicure. Of course the water was changed for each one. Used foot bath water - Yuk!
After the mani/pedis the girls had facials. The facials were mashed avocado and ripe banana. It looked pretty gross, but the girls said it felt good. We completed the lovely look of green faces with cucumber slices for their eyes.
Of course, what's a party without food? My daughter and I spent a long time (longer that it should have been) decorating cupcakes. Why does it always look so easy when they do it on TV? We also made chocolate dipped strawberries and marshmallows with sprinkles.
Fruit kabobs because it couldn't be all junk food and because the colours are so pretty.
Another view of the food and beverages. The wine glasses are acrylic because I didn't want to risk broken
I think this was one of the girls' favourites - the candy buffet. Who can resist such a tempting display? I must admit I chose candy that was colourful, but not particularly my favourite so I would resist!
After dinner (pizza, of course) we made our own lip gloss and bubble bath. I let the girls choose their own scent and colour to add to the bubble bath to make it their own. I couldn't find pretty, inexpensive bottles so I bought bottled water - chosen for the shape of the bottle, rather than the brand. The water bottles were the perfect size and because they were plastic I didn't have to worry about safety. I provided them with blank labels and markers so they could label the bubble bath themselves. I got the recipes for the lip gloss and bubble bath from a book of my daughter's called "The Girls' Book How to be the Best at Everything". To end the party the girls played "Spin the Nailpolish" to decide the order in which to open the gifts.